Varsity Football
Welcome to the North Haven Varsity Football Home Page!
Mission Statement: To build and maintain a comprehensive football program for student athletes, coaches, and families alike; the standard of excellence for scholarship, sportsmanship, and community service.
Meet the Coaches:
Varsity Head Football Coach: Anthony Sagnella
JV Head Coach: Ralph Inorio
Assistant Coaches: Mike Ricciardelli
Keith Wolkovitz
Volunteer Assistants: Mike Dodge
Kevin Mozealous
Nick D’Angelo
Steve Narracci
Head Freshman Coach: Alex Velardi
Assistant Freshman Coach: Brian Woodford
Volunteer Assistant Mike Masnato
Ken Trawicki
Film and Technology: Andrew Pettola
Equipment Manager: Tom Grillo
For any questions about NH Varsity Football, contact Coach Anthony Sagnella.