Message from the Athletic Director
Message from the Athletic Director:
Greetings and welcome to the North Haven Athletics Department website. The athletic program at North Haven High School is an integral part of the educational process. The purpose of the program is to stimulate students to develop mutual interests, promote motivations and improve their physical skills. To be of maximum effectiveness, the athletic program must be closely coordinated with the general instruction of school. It must be such that the number of students accommodated, and the educational aims achieved, justify its inclusion in the overall educational program.
Steve Blumenthal is the Director of Athletics for North Haven Public Schools.
He can be reached at 203-239-1641, ext. 2900 or by email at [email protected].
You may also contact Christine Wisneski, Assistant to the Director of Athletics, at 203-239-1641, ext. 2901 or by email at [email protected].